Re-Release: Dr. Alexander Shaia "Radiance within the Darkness"
The DeconstructionistsDecember 25, 2024x
01:09:2363.74 MB

Re-Release: Dr. Alexander Shaia "Radiance within the Darkness"

Guest Info/Bio:

This week we bring you a Christmas treat! This is a re-release of one of our absolute favorite guests in one of our absolute favorite interviews! This is a special Christmas episode we recorded with our dear friend Alexander Shaia back in 2017.


Dr. Alexander Shaia is an international speaker, author, and teacher. He studied cultural anthropology at Notre Dame University, and also has a PhD in Clinical Psychology. Alexander is the author of the revolutionary book, “Heart and Mind: The Four-Gospel Journey for Radical Transformation” which is now available in its 2nd Edition. Grab a copy on Amazon now! (Selected) Guest Publications: Heart and Mind: The Four-Gospel Journey for Radical Transformation Guest Website/Social



Facebook: @walkwithheartandmind


Special guest music on this episode provided by:

Nicholas Rowe 

Twitter: @_NicholasRowe_

Facebook: @nicholasrowemusic

Instagram: @_nicholasrowe_



Clay Kirchenbauer 

Twitter: @ clay_k

Facebook: @ClayKmusic

Instagram: @theclay_k


Enjoy the songs? Songs featured on this episode were: “It’s Christmastime Again, It Feels Like Christmas, & Silent Night” from the E.P. “It’s Christmastime Again” by Nicholas Rowe & Friends AND the “Telling the Story” single by Clay Kirchenbauer available everywhere music is sold! Nick and Clay’s music is available on iTunes, Spotify, BandCamp, etc. Pick up their music anywhere good music is sold!


The Deconstructionist’s Podcast is mixed and edited by John Williamson


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