The Deconstructionists

The Deconstructionists

A podcast about building new faith. Its all about construction, but sometimes that means you have to deconstruct a little. Questions, exploration, mystery...

Thomas Kazen "Dirt, Shame, Status: Same-Sex Sexuality in the Bible" pt. 2
December 02, 202400:31:31

Thomas Kazen "Dirt, Shame, Status: Same-Sex Sexuality in the Bible" pt. 2

Guest/Bio: This week I welcome back Dr. Thomas Kazen for part 2 of our conversation on same-sex sexuality and the bible. Dr. Kazen is professor and research chair of biblical studies at Stockholm Sch...

Thomas Kazen "Dirt, Shame, Status: Same-Sex Sexuality in the Bible" pt. 1
November 25, 202400:44:37

Thomas Kazen "Dirt, Shame, Status: Same-Sex Sexuality in the Bible" pt. 1

Guest/Bio: This week I welcome Dr. Thomas Kazen! Dr. Kazen is professor and research chair of biblical studies at Stockholm School of Theology, University College Stockholm. He has authored numerous ...

John Dominic Crossan "Paul The Pharisee" pt. 2
November 12, 202400:40:32

John Dominic Crossan "Paul The Pharisee" pt. 2

Guest/Bio: This week I welcome back Dr. John Dominic Crossan for part 2 of our conversation on Paul. Dr. Crossan is considered one of the foremost New Testament scholars today. He's an Irish-Amer...

John Dominic Crossan "Paul the Pharisee" pt. 1
November 05, 202400:38:59

John Dominic Crossan "Paul the Pharisee" pt. 1

Guest/Bio: This week I welcome back Dr. John Dominic Crossan! Dr. Crossan is considered one of the foremost New Testament scholars today. He's an Irish-American  New Testament  scholar, historian...