Special guest host Jason Dunlap takes us on his journey from a Catholic upbringing through atheism to a more expansive, spiritual perspective of reality. We discuss dualistic thinking that keeps us all imprisoned in a narrow, oppressive view of each other. We also touch on topics such as transcendence, eastern mysticism, grace, and the power of presence (not to mention crazy water crystals that teach us about the nature of reality)

For a great read on transcending a dualistic frame of thinking:

Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life by Richard Rohr
http://www.amazon.com/dp/0470907754/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_vxJ1wb14HXNQK via

The Book that Jason refers to that convinced him that atheism was not philosophically viable:

The Reason For God – Timothy Keller

Masaru Emoto (water crystal photos)

432Hz Frequency image. Remember that 440Hz is the “standard” tuning of all western music. This photo compares how the frequencies 440Hz and 432Hz affect the vibrational pattern of water.

Beautiful Book Recommendations!

A Path with Heart – Jack Kornfield

You Are Here – Thich Nhat Hanh

The Wisdom of Insecurity – Alan Watts

Emptiness Dancing – Adyashanti

The Conscious Parent – Shefali Tsabary