We have a blast talking to the always interesting and informative Mike McHargue of Ask Science Mike and The Liturgists. Songs on this episode by Son Lux – if you haven’t started listening to Son...
Theologian and author Greg Boyd joins Adam and John to wade into some hot topics including: The myth of christian nationalism pacifism Doubt/deconstruction Open theism and much more Greg Boyd is an internationally recognized theologian,...
Adam and John spend some time with singer / songwriter / producer / remixer / noistrade founder / agitator Derek Webb talking about doubt, honesty, art, liturgy, community and much more. A 20+ year veteran...
We talk with philosopher/theologian Pete Rollins about the true meaning of belief, deconstruction, pyro theology, backwards evangelism and so much more Peter is a provocative writer, philosopher, storyteller and public speaker who has gained an...
John and Adam conclude the 3 part Bible series with some final thoughts, rants, opinions, suggestions and some great recommended readings! James K.A. Smith – Who’s Afraid of Postmodernism? Chapter 2 John Sailhammer – NIV...